Tuesday, June 23, 2015

What to Expect From Boot Camp Training

Boot Camp Training

When you visit us for boot camp training, you can expect the workout of a lifetime.  Our personal trainers understand how to get you sweating and in excellent shape.  If you are desperate to get healthy or lose the extra weight – this is where you need to be.

When you arrive, our personal trainers will ask you questions and assess your current fitness level along with where you want to go.  This allows them to create a personalized fitness plan that will help you to achieve those goals without putting an unhealthy amount of strain on your body.  It is important, after all, to ensure that your workout plan is sustainable and that you do not injure yourself in the process.
Even though our boot camp training is in a group setting, each person will be exercising according to the plan set by their personal trainer.  For example, you may be doing the same exercise as everyone else but the number of repetitions you complete could be different or the intensity in which you perform the exercise could be different.  A perfect example of this is the standard pushup.  Those that are new to exercising might need to complete a push up on their knees while others can complete it in the standard way.  Regardless, our personal trainers will be walking around and monitoring everyone to ensure that the exercises are being completed correctly and in accordance with each person’s fitness level. 

The exercises we teach you at boot camp training are typically things that you can do at home after you leave.  Our goal is to equip you with a variety of high-intensity exercises that can be completed on your own time and for years to come.  This is an excellent way to learn more ways to tone certain areas of your body or to learn moves that will improve your endurance while completing normal tasks.  The ability to build endurance is critical for your health now and for continuing with your exercise program.  Endurance is what gives you the ability to swim in the ocean with your kids all afternoon or to carry in a bunch of moving boxes.  Increasing your endurance can quite literally improve your ability to do things and your quality of life.  In this way, personal fitness is about far more than your appearance. It impacts how you feel and how you go about life on a daily basis. 

A large benefit of learning these new exercises at a boot camp training class is that you will be doing so under the watchful eye of our personal trainers. When learning new exercises, it is important to do them correctly. Otherwise, you could risk injury or you might not get the same benefit out of them that you could, as in you might not burn as many calories.  We can ensure that you are exercising correctly and in a way that will not cause you any injury. Getting started is easy and we make the process fun so call today to join one of our sessions.