Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Learning to Eat Healthy is Part of an Effective Personal Fitness Plan

Personal Fitness
We are focused on helping you to reach your personal fitness goals.  Whether you are severely overweight or you are trying to lose that last five pounds, we can help you by creating an exercise plan to get you there.  As a personal trainer, we can motivate you, encourage you, and show you how to get the most out of your exercise routine.  One thing that is important to include, is a plan for healthy eating because if you are completing your exercises but are overeating or consuming foods that are bad for you, it will counteract all of your hard work.
The first step to changing your eating habits is to consider why you are overeating or eating unhealthy in the first place.  We have found that there are many reasons our clients overeat including:
  • Loneliness.  A lot of people will eat because they are lonely or bored.  If you are in this boat, we encourage you to look for positive things that can fill these empty moments.  Consider what you are interested in and select an organization to volunteer with.  The rewards that you get from these experiences will far outweigh the commitment it takes and your personal fitness plan will never be sabotaged by working at the animal shelter. 
  • Fatigue.  A common mistake that people tend to make is to go on such an extreme diet and exercise plan that they become overly tired.  This is typical but avoidable when you work with a personal trainer.  We can ensure that you are exercising at an appropriate level and that you are eating enough calories so that your energy levels do not crash, prompting you to binge eat or eat the closest thing that you can find. 
  • Being busy.  It can be difficult for people with extremely busy schedules to plan ahead for how to eat healthily.  Working parents have an incredibly hard time with this given the need to facilitate a busy school and sports schedule along with their own work obligations.  If you have zero time to pack healthy food for yourself, become familiar with the low-calorie options at various fast food restaurants. While not ideal, you can always buy a salad at McDonalds or even visit your grocery store deli for low-fat options. 
One tool that can help is planning ahead.  Just like we will help you to develop an exercise plan that spans months, you can take the time to meal plan.  Make a list of the meals that you want to eat and the food that you will buy at the store to make this happen.  Go grocery shopping and then take the afternoon to make as many meals as you can that can be saved in the freezer or fridge.  This will give you what you need for the week so that you receive the energy and nutrients your body needs to keep up with your personal fitness goals.  To get more tips and ideas, give us a call.