Monday, August 17, 2015

Our Fitness Training Can Bust the Fat Around Your Waist

Fitness Training
If you are ready to get in shape, our fitness training can bust the fat around your waist. When you need a training program that motivates you to accomplish goals you have been aiming toward for years, we can help. If you have tried to thin your waist before, you know how frustrating it can be without proper direction and support. Continue reading to learn about how a fitness training plan with us can benefit your health, mood, weight loss, and attractiveness.

Personalized Exercise Program: When you visit us for help, we get to know you and your needs. We get to know your habits, likes and dislikes, and your workout style. Based on this information, combined with your goals for each body part and your diet, we will develop a personalized exercise program that will help you meet your needs and goals. When we develop this plan, we will also consider any medical conditions you have.

Correct Form: After we develop a plan for you, we will get started on your fitness training program. Throughout training, we will ensure you are performing each exercise safely and in the correct form. This will protect you from injury and maximize your results. It will also help you accomplish a thin waist more quickly. The correct form is incredibly important, especially when it involves your waist and core, as back discomfort can easily develop with bad form.

Diet Advice: In addition to workout advice and planning, we will help you develop a diet conducive to weight loss around your waist and all over your body. If you have questions about what is healthy and what is not, we can help. If you are not sure what your needed daily vitamins, minerals, protein, carbs, and fats are, we can help you determine what intake amounts are right for you.

Constant Motivation: Once of the main reasons our clients have not been successful before working with us is due to a lack of motivation. If you constantly feel unmotivated or lethargic, fitness training with our team can help you remain on track. We make working out interesting and help you notice your improvements, so you stay motivated. We can also offer you accountability for those days when you need an extra push to reach your goals. Gaining a positive outlook improves weight loss and muscle gain dramatically. We also create your fitness training workouts to be fun, so you never get bored with a routine. Change helps people keep focus, rather than become bored because they are accustomed to the same daily exercises.

To learn more about how fitness training with us can help bust the fat faster, visit our location. We will help you lose weight, reach your goals, and have a happier and more content lifestyle while also looking great. Don’t give up on exercising because you haven’t been successful in the past. We can help.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Exercise Classes Are Important for Health as You Age

Exercise Classes
Exercise classes have become increasingly popular over the last few years as people begin to realize how tremendously beneficial physical activity and exercise are for the mind and body.
However, it is unfortunate that seniors are the least physically active of all Americans. In fact, close to 40 percent of men and women over the age of 70 report that they never exercise at all, little realizing that the older they get, the more crucial regular physical activity becomes. Exercise classes are a simple and very effective way for seniors to turn the clock back on a vast array of debilitating conditions that only get worse with advancing age.

Even if you haven't made exercise a regular part of your life long before you reach the senior years, research shows that, even if initiated later in life, a regular exercise program offers profound health benefits. And you certainly don't have to be a world-class athlete to stay in shape. What you need to do is get off that couch or out of that rocking chair and start moving. It took many years to get into the shape you are in now, but it won't take anywhere near that long to get into the best shape you can be in. You start with only a few minutes a day and, as your muscles begin to respond, you gradually increase the intensity and length of your program.

Many older people avoid exercising because they are afraid that it will be too "hard" or that they may be injured. Much to the contrary, regular exercise will reduce your risk of injury and may very well help alleviate any pain you already have.

Here are a few of the many benefits reaped by seniors who regularly engage in appropriate exercise.

Why Seniors Should Exercise

Regain Mobility: One of the main reasons the elderly lose mobility is because their muscles deteriorate. The only way to combat this is to rebuild those muscles by using them in an appropriately intense exercise regimen. We will help you start strengthening exercises, which include resistance bands and free weights, at a level that is comfortable for you. Over time, you can gradually increase the level of intensity so your muscles are always challenged without aggravating or causing pain. Strong muscles are needed for everyday tasks like housework, gardening, and lifting bags of groceries, after all.

Increase Bone Strength: Your bones form the framework of your entire body. Osteoporosis or thinning bones cause about half of all women over the age of 50 to suffer painful fractures and breaks. On the positive side, bone is living tissue that responds to weight-bearing physical activity. As new bone tissue forms, the bones get stronger.

Keep Your Balance: Many seniors fall and break bones because they no longer have good balance. In our exercise classes, we will pay special attention to balance training, which, by keeping you on your feet, will significantly reduce the likelihood of falls.

Improve Your Physical Health: Exercise reduces your risk for type 2 diabetes, prevents heart disease by reducing many of the risk factors, and among other benefits, plays a key role in guarding against many types of cancer.

Improve Your Mental Health: Although the link between anxiety, depression, and exercise isn't quite clear, it is indisputable that regular exercise can help manage stress, reduce depression, and improve your mood. Additionally, exercise can improve some aspects of mental clarity and cognitive function, such as the ability to shift your focus between tasks.

If you are a senior, please do not use your age as an excuse not to exercise, but as a reason to do so.
While the word "exercise" may conjure up images of running laps around a track, let us assure you that our exercise classes include a wide range of activities specifically tailored to suit your current physical condition. Let us help you regain muscle strength, prevent bone loss, improve your flexibility and balance, sharpen your mental clarity, help reduce any depression and stress you may have, and give you an entirely new outlook on life.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Tone Up Your Thighs With Help From a Personal Trainer

Personal Trainer
For many people, especially women, thigh toning can seem nearly impossible, but a personal trainer can help. When you are ready to tone every aspect of your body, especially your thighs, you may need to consider seeking help from a professional with extensive experience. Since spot fat reduction is, unfortunately, impossible, you will need to know exactly how to work your muscles in order to produce the desired toned up look. 

We are trained to work with every body type and every level of determination and fitness. Once we get to know you, we can develop a specific diet plan and workout plan that will help you tone up your thighs in the shortest time span possible with the longest lasting results. We train our clients on how to lose weight and how to keep weight off in the long-term. We also teach our clients how to create the exact lean, toned look they are going for in easy to implement methods that will provide them with the exercise training they need for years to come.

Diet Plan
With any new exercise routine, it is important to also maintain a proper diet plan. As a personal trainer, we can help you determine what type of nutritional plan is right for your needs. When you want to tone up your thighs, as with any other body part, to lose fat you will need to burn more calories than you are taking in. With the diet plan we create for you, you will be able to maintain healthy food intake while also burning more calories and losing pounds in the areas you are trying to slim.

Workout Plan
Depending on what area of your thighs you want toned up, we will create a workout plan that includes different exercises. Your legs are made up of many muscles that all work together. While toning your thighs, you will also be leaning down the rest of your legs. Once we have created a workout plan, you have implemented the plan for a specified period of time, and you have maintained a healthy diet, you will have tone thighs. This will help you to look better for whatever event is coming up or just for a better look and healthier lifestyle.

Rest Day
Being a personal trainer, we deal with every type of client. Many of our clients believe that working out non-stop is the right way to a healthier body. This is incorrect. Your muscles need a rest day in order to rebuild and restrengthen. When you deprive your muscles of rest, they become overworked, more easily fatigued, and generally weaker. We encourage our clients to rest when they feel it is necessary and to set aside at least one day out of the week for their body to recuperate. An injury will prevent you from exercising and will delay you from having the body you want.

These are our basic steps for toning up your thighs. When you visit us, we can custom-create a plan that your body will respond to. It will be hard work, but the results, both physically and mentally, are always worth it.


Friday, July 3, 2015

Start Your Athletic Training When Planning to Enter a Triathlon

Athletic Training
When you decide to enter a triathlon, you will need to begin a structured athletic training plan to get you in the best shape. We can help you reach your goals and be fitter than you ever have been before. Before your first triathlon, we will take you through our basic athletic training advice.

Our Athletic Training Steps for Your Triathlon
Decide on a Goal:

There are many different types of triathlons, which range in intensity, length, and structure. When you decide to enter a triathlon, you will be able to decide how long you want the swimming, running, and cycling sections to be. We encourage first timers to do a triathlon sprint, then to work their way up to an Olympic triathlon. You can even do a half sprint if you are not sure how your body will handle the challenge. Our athletic training will help you prepare for whatever level triathlon you decide to do. Once you pick out your type, we can train you accordingly and also provide you with techniques that will help you work up to a hard level.

Build Up Your Body:
It is never a good idea to decide to do a triathlon and then to attempt it with no training. Even if you are in fairly good shape, you will likely push yourself too hard and get in a dangerous situation if your body is not properly trained for each individual section of your triathlon. Don't injure yourself by trying to participate with zero athletic training. Our training will not only get your body in shape for your triathlon, but it will also help you follow a better diet, have a toned body, and succeed in whatever workouts you put your mind to in the future. We will start with the basics, jogging and running to get your joints lubricated and prepared for harder exercise. We will then focus on your swimming and cycling. Once your muscles and joints are used to the basic routine of running, swimming, and cycling, we will build up your muscles with harder sets of each.

Remember to Rest
Resting is nearly as important as adequately exercising. If you push your body to the limit every day but never allow it time to heal and build up muscle, it will just become weaker. Give yourself a rest day to allow your muscles to rebuild and strengthen. You will thank yourself a few days later when you can push harder and further than ever before.

These are just some small steps in a bigger program that we will create for your individual needs. When you visit us for athletic training to pursue your dream of completing a triathlon, we will get to know you on a deeper level. We will strive to understand your body's needs, as well as its strengths and weaknesses. Any exercise routines or nutritional standards we set up for you will be something you can accomplish with proper athletic training.


Tuesday, June 23, 2015

What to Expect From Boot Camp Training

Boot Camp Training

When you visit us for boot camp training, you can expect the workout of a lifetime.  Our personal trainers understand how to get you sweating and in excellent shape.  If you are desperate to get healthy or lose the extra weight – this is where you need to be.

When you arrive, our personal trainers will ask you questions and assess your current fitness level along with where you want to go.  This allows them to create a personalized fitness plan that will help you to achieve those goals without putting an unhealthy amount of strain on your body.  It is important, after all, to ensure that your workout plan is sustainable and that you do not injure yourself in the process.
Even though our boot camp training is in a group setting, each person will be exercising according to the plan set by their personal trainer.  For example, you may be doing the same exercise as everyone else but the number of repetitions you complete could be different or the intensity in which you perform the exercise could be different.  A perfect example of this is the standard pushup.  Those that are new to exercising might need to complete a push up on their knees while others can complete it in the standard way.  Regardless, our personal trainers will be walking around and monitoring everyone to ensure that the exercises are being completed correctly and in accordance with each person’s fitness level. 

The exercises we teach you at boot camp training are typically things that you can do at home after you leave.  Our goal is to equip you with a variety of high-intensity exercises that can be completed on your own time and for years to come.  This is an excellent way to learn more ways to tone certain areas of your body or to learn moves that will improve your endurance while completing normal tasks.  The ability to build endurance is critical for your health now and for continuing with your exercise program.  Endurance is what gives you the ability to swim in the ocean with your kids all afternoon or to carry in a bunch of moving boxes.  Increasing your endurance can quite literally improve your ability to do things and your quality of life.  In this way, personal fitness is about far more than your appearance. It impacts how you feel and how you go about life on a daily basis. 

A large benefit of learning these new exercises at a boot camp training class is that you will be doing so under the watchful eye of our personal trainers. When learning new exercises, it is important to do them correctly. Otherwise, you could risk injury or you might not get the same benefit out of them that you could, as in you might not burn as many calories.  We can ensure that you are exercising correctly and in a way that will not cause you any injury. Getting started is easy and we make the process fun so call today to join one of our sessions.  

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Learning to Eat Healthy is Part of an Effective Personal Fitness Plan

Personal Fitness
We are focused on helping you to reach your personal fitness goals.  Whether you are severely overweight or you are trying to lose that last five pounds, we can help you by creating an exercise plan to get you there.  As a personal trainer, we can motivate you, encourage you, and show you how to get the most out of your exercise routine.  One thing that is important to include, is a plan for healthy eating because if you are completing your exercises but are overeating or consuming foods that are bad for you, it will counteract all of your hard work.
The first step to changing your eating habits is to consider why you are overeating or eating unhealthy in the first place.  We have found that there are many reasons our clients overeat including:
  • Loneliness.  A lot of people will eat because they are lonely or bored.  If you are in this boat, we encourage you to look for positive things that can fill these empty moments.  Consider what you are interested in and select an organization to volunteer with.  The rewards that you get from these experiences will far outweigh the commitment it takes and your personal fitness plan will never be sabotaged by working at the animal shelter. 
  • Fatigue.  A common mistake that people tend to make is to go on such an extreme diet and exercise plan that they become overly tired.  This is typical but avoidable when you work with a personal trainer.  We can ensure that you are exercising at an appropriate level and that you are eating enough calories so that your energy levels do not crash, prompting you to binge eat or eat the closest thing that you can find. 
  • Being busy.  It can be difficult for people with extremely busy schedules to plan ahead for how to eat healthily.  Working parents have an incredibly hard time with this given the need to facilitate a busy school and sports schedule along with their own work obligations.  If you have zero time to pack healthy food for yourself, become familiar with the low-calorie options at various fast food restaurants. While not ideal, you can always buy a salad at McDonalds or even visit your grocery store deli for low-fat options. 
One tool that can help is planning ahead.  Just like we will help you to develop an exercise plan that spans months, you can take the time to meal plan.  Make a list of the meals that you want to eat and the food that you will buy at the store to make this happen.  Go grocery shopping and then take the afternoon to make as many meals as you can that can be saved in the freezer or fridge.  This will give you what you need for the week so that you receive the energy and nutrients your body needs to keep up with your personal fitness goals.  To get more tips and ideas, give us a call. 

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Some of the Many Benefits of Our Yoga Fitness Classes

Yoga Fitness
The Many Benefits of Yoga Fitness Classes
Yoga fitness has been around for decades, so you may be wondering why it is suddenly becoming more popular. The popularity arises from the fact that yoga fitness is one of the healthiest forms of exercise you can do, and many people are just now discovering that. Not only is it beneficial to your physical health, but it is also calming for your mind. If you have considered starting a yoga regimen, we encourage you to start today. Read below as we explain many of the benefits of yoga fitness classes. 

Mind Calming: Consistent yoga practice leads to an increase in serotonin levels. Serotonin is a natural hormone chemical that makes you feel happy and content. Yoga also increases your focus. During yoga fitness, you are so concentrated on performing your moves that you are more centered on “the now”. This can lead to less stress and the ability to embrace and appreciate today.  

Better Balance: Better balance increases your likelihood of living longer. As you age, your balance naturally shifts and is not nearly as good making you less stable. With the practice of yoga, you can elongate you balance abilities so that your body doesn’t age prematurely, and you don’t injure yourself from falling. 
Muscle Building: Yoga fitness builds your muscles so that your body is stronger and able to accomplish more throughout your day. The practice will also allow you to pursue other activities that you always thought you would enjoy, but were too out of shape to conquer. 

Muscle Relaxing: Not only does yoga relax your entire system, but it also relaxes your muscles. This can ease discomfort in your body and allow you to sleep more soundly at night. Releasing tension in your muscles feels fabulous and puts you at peace. 

Flexibility Improvement: Many people do not realize the benefits of being more flexible. Not only is it nice to be able to touch your toes like you did in your childhood, but it is also the perfect way to ease joint pain and widen your range of motion during all activities. The flexibility that yoga fitness requires will also strengthen the essential connective tissue in your body.  

Healing Properties: Yoga fitness has many healing properties like the ease of joint pain mentioned above. If you have the beginnings of arthritis, or it is in your genetics, you can prevent the development of arthritis by strengthening your cartilage through yoga. You will also be building bone density and preventing the potential breakdown of your bones. Yoga increases your blood flow so that your heart will receive a better blood supply. This may decrease your chance of a heart attack. Yoga can also drop your blood pressure.    

These advantages are just a drop in a bucket compared to the many other benefits of taking yoga fitness classes. Learn more about your body and increase your lifespan today by taking a valuable and enjoyable fitness class. We will work with you to ensure that the class is suitable for your current fitness level.